Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Time Out: Find your Passion

While you're in the process of opening your own law firm, there are a lot of things to overwhelm you: the books, the clients, the practice areas, taxes, etc.  Take a break every now and then and find your passion.  Why are you doing this? 

If you are doing this because you need to do it, find something in your practice that you are passionate about.  Whether you are passionate about working with children, defending criminals or consulting with businesses, define your passion.  When you get overwhelmed by the other aspects of running your firm, take a time out and work on your passion.  It may help you re-focus and gain momentum to keep growing. 

Your practice is just that: yours.  It is only going to succeed if you want it to succeed.  In order to do that, you need to constantly remember why you are doing what you are doing and what keeps you pushing forward.  You can only succeed on your own if you have a passion to succeed on your own.  There will be no one hovering over you to make sure you are getting your work done (except for maybe your clients) and you won't grow unless you are pushing yourself and your practice to grow.

If you are a solo practitioner or thinking about "flying solo" and would like to talk about the process, please contact us at (804) 447-0146 or clbaudean@baudeanlaw.com.

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